Search Results
Ruby Conference 2007 JRuby: Ruby for the JVM by Charles Nutter, Thomas Enebo
MWRC 2007 - JRuby: Not Just Another Ruby Implementation by Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo
Ruby Conf 12 - Why JRuby Works by Charles Nutter and Tom Enebo
Ruby Conference 2007 JRuby in the Wild by Kyle Maxwell
RailsConf 2019 - JRuby on Rails: From Zero to Scale by Charles Oliver Nutter & Thomas E Enebo
RubyConfTH 2022 - Scaling Ruby with JRuby by Charles Oliver Nutter
What the hell is a JRuby?
RubyConf 2022: Using JRuby: What, When, How, and Why by Charles Nutter
Ruby Conference 2008 - JRuby: What, Why, How... Try It Now
JRuby: The Hard Parts with Charles Nutter
Charles Nutter JRuby talk CommunityOne West: 2 of 5.1
RailsConf 2022 - Scaling Rails with JRuby in 2022 by Charles Oliver Nutter